Keith Lee Morris | The Sun Magazine

Keith Lee Morris

Keith Lee Morris’s stories have been published in New England Review, Georgia Review, South Carolina Review, Puerto Del Sol, Quarterly West, and Manoa. His first novel, The Greyhound God, is forthcoming from the University of Nevada Press. A short-story collection, in which “Mr. Jordan’s Arrival” will appear, is scheduled for publication by the same press in 2004. Morris teaches creative writing and journalism at Clemson University in South Carolina.

— From November 2002

Mr. Jordan’s Arrival

Seth was talking about baseball, and we were looking forward to our little game, when we heard Ted bark: two sharp, eager barks coming from the woods. As we got closer, we heard what sounded like a whimper. And then a voice, a command. Seth looked up at me — who was out there in the woods?

November 2002
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