William Penrod | The Sun Magazine

William Penrod

William Penrod says he really isn’t very interesting, but he has become adept at faking it. He lives in Hammond, Indiana.

— From July 1995
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

in rejection i remain

the collected letters of william penrod

i keep sending query letters to publishers and agents and hatcheck girls, but nary a reply do i get. i pray for a reply every night: just tell me to go shit in my hat, i pray. then i’ll know that my stuff has at least been delivered.

July 1995

Orson And Me

And now I know that He wants me to try to write a book again and that this time I’ll succeed.

July 1995

The Renewal

His renewal began with the appearance of that most despised of all the midnight messengers, THE COSELL, and the anguished realization of that most dreadful day’s certain coming.

June 1990

getting to know HIM

When Lana left I still kept on talking to Him every day.

He was never IN when I did but I was able to get a lot of information about Him from the Fiery Finger that appeared and wrote on the wall of my cell.

April 1989
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