Issue 285 | Contributors | The Sun Magazine


September 1999


Mark Brazaitis is the author of The River of Lost Voices: Stories from Guatemala (University of Iowa Press). He lives in New York City.


Gillian Kendall lives in a caretaker’s cottage on a horse ranch in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is currently seeking an agent — any agent.


Leonard Kriegel is an essayist, novelist, and retired professor of literature living in New York City. His most recent book is Flying Solo: Re-imagining Manhood, Courage and Loss (Beacon Press).


Kay Meier is a retired English teacher and former editor of Rhino. She lives in Sun City West, Arizona.


Margo Rabb is a New York City native whose stories have been published in the Atlantic Monthly, Seventeen, and American Fiction. Most of the income from her short-story sales goes to fund her passion for miniskirts, lipstick, and high-heeled shoes.


Alix Kates Shulman is the author of ten books, and her stories and essays have appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, the Nation, and Ms. She divides her time between New York City and the coast of Maine.


Sarah Pemberton Strong lives in San Francisco, where she works as a plumber. Her interests include meditation, dancing the Lindy Hop, and finding a publisher for her novel Burning the Sea.


Dan Wakefield is a novelist and the author of several spiritual memoirs, including How Do We Know When It’s God? (Little, Brown). He lives in Miami Beach, Florida.


Gene Zeiger’s first poem, written in fifth grade, contained the immortal lines “For you are full of so much charm, / that to you will come no harm. / Not even from a tiger, / for you are the daughter of Mr. Zeiger.” She lives in Shelburne, Massachusetts.


On The Cover

Randall Richards is a photographer living in Atlanta, Georgia.


Sy Safransky

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