Topics | Addiction and Recovery | The Sun Magazine #2


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Addiction and Recovery



For the past two years Doug Winter has been photographing and interviewing people at Loaves & Fishes in Sacramento, California. The charity’s mission is to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless, but it also tries to meet less tangible needs for “love, acceptance, respect, and friendship.”

By Doug Winter April 2019
The Sun Interview

Filling The Void

Bruce K. Alexander On How Our Culture Is Making Us Addicted

If we focus on people who are using opiates . . . we can say there’s an upsetting, awful addiction problem with them, over there, and deal with it in a prohibitive manner. In this way we minimize our vast social problems.

By Jari Chevalier March 2019
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Greeter

I imagine them sending me to live with a family that is not my own. I have protected my parents for as long as I’ve been alive. If someone comes after them, I have teeth.

By T Kira Madden March 2019

Our Own Devices

After a few failed attempts to have conversations with friends who could not keep their eyes off their screens for more than ten minutes, I began taking photographs of people lost inside their phones.

Photographs By Gianpaolo La Paglia March 2019
One Nation, Indivisible

March 2019

Featuring Luis Rodríguez, Malidoma Somé, Julia Butterfly Hill, and more.

March 2019


The real question is: How sturdy and solid is the floor our civilization stands on? How many lives with no prospects, shattered and senseless, can it bear the weight of before it cracks?

Christa Wolf, City of Angels: Or, The Overcoat of Dr. Freud

March 2019
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Tea Time

At 3 AM my eyes snap open. It’s been about fifteen hours since my last fix, and I’m already edging into withdrawal. With a sigh I get out of bed and head down to the basement to make a cup of tea from my store of opium poppies.

By Alan Craig October 2018
One Nation, Indivisible

September 2018

Featuring Akhim Yuseff Cabey, Ross Gay, Charlotte D. Staelin, and more.

September 2018
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Lost Cause

My dad’s name was Ed, but his friends called him Eddie. In old photos he is Jack Nicholson handsome, with devilish good looks and a mischievous gleam in his eye. I can see why my mom fell for him.

By Christi Clancy April 2018
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

His Hands

A friend tells me, Back pain is always anger. I don’t believe him. Maybe, though, grief settles in the muscles there. That, I could believe.

By Mary Jane Nealon February 2018