The price of THE SUN goes from 75 cents to $1 this month. The extra money will, in part, be paid to contributors for thoughtful, well-researched articles of interest to our readers. One of THE SUN’s shortcomings is its overemphasis on opinion and feeling; we want, equally, to be a forum for writers whose journalistic reflexes have not been dulled, writers with a love of words as well as truth. We also want to begin a monthly Access Catalog, on people, and other resources, either not generally known, or worth knowing more about. Send us a paragraph or two. And, as always, we encourage poets, artists, and photographers to send us their work. At the very least, you’ll get a personal response. We don’t fancy rejection slips.

To those readers who neither write nor draw but loyally buy the magazine, our thanks. Consider subscribing. An introductory one-year subscription — that’s 11 issues — costs $9, a savings of $2 off the newsstand price. Write THE SUN, Box 732, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

By the way, we’ve decided to drop the themes. We never developed them satisfactorily, and now feel that we’ll have more freedom to pursue individual story ideas as well as allow each issue to shape itself.

Next month, look for a free poster on fall foraging by Leaf Diamant.