My work is a universe complete with its own set of rules and regulations. My job is simply to follow the rules, which are unknowable, made of shadows, and are always changing. I know that they exist. It is not very different from life in general. For example: last week I was working out a detail on a sculpture that is made of nothing but curves that fold all over in a seemingly random way. I heard myself thinking, “This one small curve is obviously non-functional in the overall organization of this piece, and must be changed.”

— Andy Fleishman

The photographs from this selection are available as a PDF only. Click here to download.

Andy will have a one-man show at the Durham Art Guild in Durham, N.C., from February 7 – March 2.

— Ed.


For more photographs of Andy Fleishman’s wood sculptures click here to download (Issue 71).

For photographs of Andy Fleishman’s cement sculptures click here to download (Issue 94).