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I had finally reached, within the secret recesses and labyrinths of this jail, the silent center and perfect still point of human suffering. Behind those thick steel doors, entombed in concrete, curled in a tight fetal position on a cold metal bed, lies the suffering body of Christ.
By Jeff DietrichJuly 1983For a while, several years ago, I stopped watching the TV news. This was no small thing. I was in the habit of watching all three networks, often at the same time, spinning the dial with the finesse of an accomplished musician running scales on his favorite instrument.
By David SearlsMay 1980Stout’s was a remarkable life, in many ways a model one, yet it would hardly have been noted, much less remembered, if not for the series of detective novels that he began writing in his forty-seventh year.
By David GuyFebruary 1978When I unlock and open the door to my apartment, I see a man standing there, with his back to me. He hasn’t seen or heard me, and continues about his business of piling up my little TV, radio, stereo. I softly — very softly — close the door, tiptoe down the stairs, and call the 911 police emergency number.
By Irv LongFebruary 1978The cartoon in this selection is available as a PDF only. Click here to download.
By David TerrenoireJanuary 1978Being is my every breath, the truth I bathe in; Reality is my all even when it tears at me behind these walls. I will not look away, I have seen all the games, and though I am not perfect (who is?) I am not needing those things for they are not lasting.
By Carl HarpMay 1977“Free Kill.” Just imagine. Part of every citizen’s inalienable birthright the freedom to off one other soul.
By William GaitherApril 1977I write of a ridiculous-acting class of people, but one that is not without craft and guile. Public office seems to attract people who are just smart enough to realize that elected positions of “public confidence” are the easiest and safest of possibilities for not especially bright individuals to get rich.
By William GaitherMarch 1977Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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