Topics | Healing | The Sun Magazine #20


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Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

By The Light Of The Moon

The Soul And Its Transformations

The province of the transformations of the soul in western society remains, for the most part, that of medicine and psychotherapy. Mostly, both acknowledge problems, rather than the states of evolution and transformation of the soul.

By Isis October 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Channel One

I am becoming myself. Between becoming and being myself lay a miasma of ancient feelings, values, and perceptions. These are the unknown forces to which I respond by looking everywhere else for the solution, an end to my fears and hunger.

By Leaf Diamant October 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Channel One

Depressions are usually characterized by loss of energy, lack of enthusiasm and good feelings, and lowered self-acceptance. Depressed people often feel unwanted, unloved, and unworthy.

By Leaf Diamant September 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Channel One

WE ARE ALL CHANNELS, and what we know, what we feel, who we are, determine what we channel. Every day numerous messages channel through us, and the effects of our behavior, our transmission, is powerful and influential.

By Leaf Diamant February 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Last Free Lunch (Part Two)

Wild Foods And Herbs In Chapel Hill

In this area of North Carolina, healthful foods and herbs grow wild throughout the year. . . . Persimmon, rosehips, and sassafras are three easy to find and easy to collect plants that are abundant.

By Leaf Robert Diamant November 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Last Free Lunch (Part One)

Wild Foods And Herbs In Chapel Hill

Everywhere out of doors that I go — city streets, roadsides, country fields, dense forests, wherever there is water and soil and sunlight (and these can be in the smallest quantities or poorest qualities) — I see plant life of such great beauty and uniqueness that I am dazzled with appreciation and wonder.

By Leaf Robert Diamant September 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Psychic Healing

You won’t find their names listed by the American Medical Association. There’s no degree on the wall. The knives they use for surgery might be rusty, or they might use no knives at all. Yet, thousands of ailing people have, for centuries, reported miraculous cures by psychic healers.

By Priscilla Rich Safransky September 1975