Topics | Pregnancy and Childbirth | The Sun Magazine #13


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Pregnancy and Childbirth


Selected Poems

All month I thought of your body, / soft with its delicious baby flesh / and fragile with its hidden bulbs and bones, // and knew you would be torn. / I pulled your small shoulders / closer as the days passed, / and some nights felt the tumor / rise beneath my palm like a burl / in a redwood forest, / worrywart, skullcap / under the duff of your skin.

from “The Operation”

By John Addiego June 1988
Readers Write


An old man and a butterfly, a beloved friend’s housewarming, a hysterectomy

By Our Readers January 1988
Readers Write


Popcorn strategy, domestic violence, the importance of being cute

By Our Readers November 1987
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Being Peace

Life is filled with suffering, but it is also filled with many wonders like the blue sky, the sunshine, the eyes of a baby. To suffer is not enough. We also need to be in touch with the wonders of life. They are within us and all around us, everywhere, any time. Does it require a special effort to enjoy the blue sky? Do we have to practice to be able to enjoy it? No, we just enjoy it. We don’t need to travel to China in order to enjoy the sky.

By Thich Nhat Hanh November 1986
Readers Write

Other Animals

Amniocentesis, the royal chamber, the head of Horace Greeley

By Our Readers January 1986

The Green Woman

A hush fell between us now that almost had a thickness to it. It was like the moment when you drop a stone down a well and wait for the sound of its striking.

By Meghan R. Burges December 1983

The Pregnancy Scare

She missed her period, her breasts grew tender / and for a week she was a guest in her own womb. / Alone, she felt a presence around her / inside, a larval dream.

By Cedar Koons July 1983

Selected Stories

She grew up and retreated into a tower, where she lived for 20 years. No one understood this. Her friends thought perhaps she’d gone mad. When she emerged, she could fly. Everyone was very impressed, watching her fly over the sea.

By Sparrow April 1983