Topics | Travel | The Sun Magazine #3


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Readers Write


Chinese New Year in Philadelphia, Thanksgiving in Mexico, Passover in prison

By Our Readers November 2020
Readers Write

My Country

Claiming a heritage, becoming a citizen, landing in a foreign jail

By Our Readers September 2020
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Les Calanques

I think of that ancient time when the sea was cut off from the ocean, how low it sank, the way the rivers carved canyons to replenish it. Such beauty often requires a kind of devastation. Maybe the saddest landscapes are always the most beautiful.

By Melissa Febos September 2020
The Dog-Eared Page

The Race

I used my legs and heart as if I would
gladly use them up for this,
to touch him again in this life

By Sharon Olds September 2020
Readers Write


Sharing a cab, hitching a ride, staying in a marriage

By Our Readers September 2020


Almost fifty years ago 170 Romani families settled in the Polygone district of Strasbourg, France. They parked their caravan vehicles and, over time, constructed homes on empty land near an airfield, often using salvaged materials.

By Jeannette Gregori May 2020
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

No Accident

It was the first Friday of spring break, 1984, when I climbed into the bed of Greg’s compact truck, leaned back against the cab, and watched the keg party fade into the distance as we drove away.

By Kelly Daniels April 2020

In The Car Ahead

He needs more time to brake / so he drives slow. He needs / more time to read traffic signs / so he drives slow.

By Michael Mark April 2020
The Dog-Eared Page


Before you know what kindness really is / you must lose things, / feel the future dissolve in a moment

By Naomi Shihab Nye April 2020
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Seven Days In A Sea-Creature Town

Decorah sat in the impact crater of an asteroid that had struck the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. One of the extinct giant sea creatures exhumed from its crust — the shrimp-looking Pentecopterus decorahensis — had been named after the town.

By Poe Ballantine November 2019