Our Readers | The Sun Magazine #44

Our Readers

Readers Write

Amazing Coincidences

A registration line, a nuclear power plant, a prayer candle

January 1981
Readers Write

Best Friends

An abortion, graduate school, sisters

December 1980
Readers Write

Fear And Courage

Fear of losing control, feeding courage with trust and patience, looking to the Bible

November 1980
Readers Write

How Men See Women, How Women See Men

As a butterfly surveying a flowerbed, as objects, not very clearly at all

October 1980
Readers Write

Favorite Magazines

Muckraking, infamous mergers, the Jeffersonian ideal

September 1980
Readers Write

My Work, My Job

Advertising, writing, nursing

August 1980
Readers Write

Being A Parent

Being changed forever, being on a long journey of wonder, being surprised

July 1980
Readers Write

Childhood Fears

Large vegetables, losing one or both parents, the death of an animal

June 1980
Readers Write


Phantoms, abortions, an organizing principle

May 1980
Readers Write


Crete, Sunday School, a room full of Rembrandts

April 1980
Readers Write

My Favorite Book(s)‚ And Why

Seth Speaks, Breakfast of Champions, The Miracle of Love

March 1980
Readers Write


A pituitary tumor, a shot of thorazine, the flu

February 1980
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