Issue 239 | Contributors | The Sun Magazine


November 1995


Ellen Carter is an herbalist, computer programmer, wife, mother, nature mystic, flutist, priestess, poet, tree surgeon, and exterminator. She lives in New York City.


Matt Curtis is a writer living in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Amy G. Davis lives in Chicago, where she’s the editor-in-chief of Fish Stories and director of the WorkShirts Writing Center.


Corey Fischer is a founding member of A Traveling Jewish Theatre. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife. “The Blessing” is his first published story.


Robert Hill Long’s poems and short prose pieces have appeared in numerous journals and such anthologies as Flash Fiction (Norton) and Best American Poetry 1995 (Simon & Schuster). His second book, The Work of the Bow, is forthcoming in 1996. He lives in Eugene, Oregon.


Alison Luterman is a writer living in Oakland, California. She recently completed her first novel, Where Spirits Walk, and is in search of a publisher.


Sy Safransky is editor of The Sun.


Bárbara Selfridge’s list of publications is finally longer than her arrest record. She lives in Oakland, California, and is searching for a publisher for her collection of Puerto Rico stories, Surrounded by Water.


Sparrow recently cofounded the East Village Militia, which hands out free books outside appliance stores to encourage people to read rather than buy televisions. He lives in New York City.


Gene Zeiger is the author of a book of poems, Leaving Egypt (White Pine Press). She lives in Shelburne, Massachusetts.


On The Cover

Gina Meyer is a photographer living in Tomales, California.


Sy Safransky

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