Issue 322 | Contributors | The Sun Magazine


October 2002


Rosemary Berkeley lives in Neptune Beach, Florida. She received an MFA in writing from Vermont College in 2001 and is at work on a novel about her experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer.


Carol Rifka Brunt is originally from New York and now lives with her husband and three children in a small house on a hill in British Columbia, Canada. She is currently at work on a novel and a collection of essays of which “Human Services” is the title piece.


Michael Chitwood is a poet living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. His new book, Gospel Road Going (Tryon Publishing Co.), will be published in the spring of 2003. His poem in this issue is part of a longer work.


Jane Mullen is the author of a collection of stories, A Complicated Situation (SMU Press), and has had work published in Shenandoah, Prairie Schooner, and the Oxford American, among other publications. She divides her time between Oxford, Mississippi, and West Cork, Ireland, the setting for her recently completed novel. Between them, she and her husband have four children.


A Zen practitioner for the past fifteen years, Sean Murphy is also the author of The Hope Valley Hubcap King, a darkly comic contemporary enlightenment story. The winner of the Hemingway Award for a First Novel, the book is to be released by Bantam/Dell in November 2002. Murphy is an MFA graduate of the Naropa University writing program. He teaches writing workshops in the U.S. and abroad and is an instructor in writing, literature, and film for the University of New Mexico in Taos.


Jaime O’Neill has written his way through two technologies and into a third; he began writing with a Number 2 pencil and a Big Nickel tablet, then moved on to a manual typewriter, and now works on a computer. No matter the technology, writing has always been a mixture of joy and pain for him. Times have changed, and with them, his concerns. Of late, he seldom writes about the struggles of misunderstood young men. He lives in Sacramento, California.


Eric Rawson likes living in Los Angeles. His poetry and fiction have appeared widely.


Edwin Romond’s most recent chapbook is Blue Mountain Time: New and Selected Poems about Baseball. He lives in Wind Gap, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Mary, and their son, Liam.


Sy Safransky is editor of The Sun.


Freelance writer April Thompson covers environmental and community issues, travel, and spirituality. Her work has appeared in Hope, Natural Home, Via, and many other magazines. She also mentors young writers through a literary website developed by San Francisco teens. When it comes to her own spirituality, she has sampled everything from Native American sweat lodges to Southern Pentecostal revivals, but always finds herself returning to the simple breath of Buddhism. She lives in San Francisco.



Doug Beasley lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.


Maureen Beitler lives in New York City.


Bill Emory lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.


Susie Forrester lives in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.


Jeffrey Hersch lives in Denver, Colorado.


Ethan Hubbard lives in Chelsea, Vermont.


Karen Keating lives in Bethesda, Maryland.


Jean-Claude Lejeune lives in Bernardston, Massachusetts.


Rebecca McBride lives in San Francisco, California.


Philip Mirkin lives in Dove Creek, Colorado.


Dion Ogust lives in Woodstock, New York.


Sara Safransky lives in Holyoke, Massachusetts.


Marvin W. Schwartz lives in New York City.


Mark Townsend lives in Brooklyn, New York.


On The Cover

Photographer StÉphanie Jantzen took this photo of a saddhu, a wandering holy man, while traveling in India. She lives in New York City.

image © Maureen Beitler

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