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The Sun Interview

The Sun Interview

An Interview With Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

I think it is true there is a much more authentic sense of spirituality than ever before, that’s the promising thing — less conformity and less attachment to rituals and forms and absurdities and movements and societies and robes and beards and all the rest.

By Sy Safransky November 1980
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Stephanie Matthews-Simonton

Most of the personality patterns associated with cancer are formulated during the first five or six years of life. That’s when children experience the lack of enough unconditional acceptance from one or both parents, feel responsible for that, feel there must be something wrong and bad about themselves.

By Sy Safransky November 1980
The Sun Interview

We Are People

Interviews With Inmates Of Hillsborough Prison

The day I sat in the courtroom, there were three or four white men with the same charges, but they let them pay out, maybe seven or eight hundred dollars. I was black. The man didn’t say nothing about no fees or charges. They gave me the maximum sentence. My skin color gave me away. I can base it down to that. I didn’t have the money, so I got to pull the time. It’s just as simple as that.

By Wolfgang Bischoff September 1980
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Daphne Athas

From the minute you’re born you somehow know. But the blinders that are put up by society, and by legislated rules, are what people think of as truths. They’re not truths at all. They’re lies. They are confinements compared to the cosmic knowledge that exists.

By David Belsky July 1980
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Ram Dass

Disappointments are exquisite clues to where you’re holding. And if you want to awaken, a disappointment becomes a great thing, so you get to love them as much as you hate them. They’re hurting you, and at the same moment they are awakening you to how you’re clinging.

By Sy Safransky June 1980
The Sun Interview

An Interview With William Irwin Thompson

My feeling is that we’re headed into a discontinuous transition. But anybody living inside one has to try to work for a continuous transition. You go ahead, knowing better, even though the enormous probability is that it will be highly catastrophic.

By Sy Safransky April 1980
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Stewart Walker

In massage each of the levels has to be respected. The tension seems to work in layers. It takes a certain amount of time to work through those different layers. It’s rude, in a way, to go barging into the deepest levels, unless there is relaxation and trust.

By Sy Safransky February 1980
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Jimmy Santiago Baca

On Writing, Prison, and The Human Spirit

But you can’t look to the institutions of learning for the moral way of living. You have to look at those people that mix pluses and minuses together to get some weird, weird formula. And that’s exactly how I try to live. I try to mix the moon with the sun, and the stars with the water. And I try to come up with a new universe.

By Sy Safransky January 1980
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Patricia Sun

I don’t think when people get divorced it is necessarily a failure of the marriage, I think sometimes it is a finishing, a completing of the marriage. That you sometimes have worked out all the things that you can work out together.

By Elizabeth Campbell December 1979
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Steve Rizzuto

I’m basically interested in how people move and walk around. Movement is an integral activity in the life of every cell and, therefore, in every more complex system. So, motion rather than tightness in the body is what I’m interested in promoting.

By Priscilla Rich October 1979