Topics | Aging | The Sun Magazine #25


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Landing Light, Carrying Nothing

He struggled heavily between acceptance and terror, until at last the terror went, little by little, like the receding cry of a startled bird.

By Francesca Hampton June 1984
Readers Write

Middle Age

Faint shoots of morning light, a thirty year old nose, a cool Fall October afternoon

By Our Readers February 1984
Readers Write


Following a voice, skipping stones, jogging in autumn

By Our Readers July 1983
Readers Write

Parents, Now And Then

A bowl of faded rose petals, a wooden extension ladder, a photograph

By Our Readers June 1983
Readers Write

Growing Older

The Original Odd Couple, a soccer coach, a bibliophile

By Our Readers January 1983
Readers Write

My Body

Chest pains, milk-and-honey days, my best friend

By Our Readers August 1982