Topics | Animal Rights | The Sun Magazine #1


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Animal Rights

Readers Write


Breaking a leg, giving birth, suffering for beauty

By Our Readers May 2023
The Sun Interview

The Carnivore’s Dilemma

Wyatt Williams On The Moral Conundrum Of Killing And Eating Animals

We shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking that because we went to Whole Foods and bought the organic product, we’re not participating in suffering and death.

By Finn Cohen April 2022


Eating puts us in touch with all that we share with the other animals, and all that sets us apart.

Michael Pollan

April 2022
Readers Write

Summer Jobs

Waiting tables, dyeing textiles, separating goats in heat

By Our Readers July 2021
The Dog-Eared Page

Morally Indefensible

It is often said of laying hens, veal calves, and dogs kept in cages for experimental purposes that this does not cause them to suffer, since they have never known other conditions. . . . This is a fallacy.

By Peter Singer December 2020
One Nation, Indivisible

July 2020

Featuring Michael Pollan, Craig Childs, John Elder, and more.

July 2020

What Will You Save Today?

“What are you going to do with it?” Nan whispers. “Do with what?” asks the boy who stole the vial. “I saw you,” Nan says. “I’m going to swallow it,” he says. His eyes are wide and a little disturbing. “Why?” Nan asks. “I want a horse inside of me,” he says.

By Debbie Urbanski February 2019


What do you see when you look at an animal? A kindred spirit, a creature much like you; but possibly, the very next moment, a beast, a stranger, just an animal. Animals are like those pictures that we see as one thing and then another; the duck that suddenly becomes a rabbit; the wineglass that’s also an old woman in profile. Now the pig is a fellow creature, like Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web. Now he’s pork.

Jean Kazez

August 2016
The Sun Interview

Signs Of Intelligent Life

Carl Safina’s Evidence That Other Animals Think And Feel

And each year we kill for food billions of animals we raise as prisoners and whose lives are often more terrible than their deaths. Even if we do continue eating animals, we could do much better by them and raise them more humanely. The way people treat animals affects the way they treat people: if you brutalize animals, you are probably hardhearted toward humans, too.

By Sam Mowe August 2016


The two biggest sellers in any bookstore are the cookbooks and the diet books. The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food, and the diet books tell you how not to eat any of it.

Andy Rooney

November 2015