Topics | Culture and Society | The Sun Magazine #324


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Culture and Society


Earth as a planet needs tending to

One cant love without fear of exposing / tender parts to pain, nor can one leave / love to feeling incomplete, to make sense / from pain, never-ending, like glare.

By Richard Williams February 1976

Spinach Wilts

It was The New Age and there I was on the elevator — 68th floor, 15th floor, 43rd floor — thinking: bongs will never totally replace joints. Bongs have their place, sure, a big place. But a joint is a . . .

By Karl Grossman February 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The New Age — An Introduction

The New Age — what is it, anyway? Another fad? A hustle? In a society so given to instant enlightenment and the quick buck, slogans like this, especially when they’re used to sell everything from shampoo to magazines, are as suspect as Guru Maharaji in his silver Maserati.

By Sy Safransky & Priscilla Rich Safransky February 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Another Appetite

If I were to join in communion with you, to commune with you, to communicate with you, I would do so over a cup of raspberry leaf-mint tea and a piece of Celebration Carob Cake (so called because it was the first cake I baked after the birth of my last child).

By Judy Bratten January 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Genius Of The Planet

Jealous of the female art of creation, man conjured up the art of the mummified reflection, and so was born the Work of Art: a solid hunk of inanimate matter scratched and battered into a shape codifying his unique understandings.

By Medea (Rob Brezsny) January 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Last Written Words From America

Couldn’t find anything else. The following being typed on a Scott Towel. You know — The one that’s twenty percent heavier? What the hell is her name anyway?

By Bruce K. Land January 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Peopletalk: Language And Other Expressions

Language, more than anything else, separates man from other animals. It plays a dominant role in shaping our conceptions about the world. Language is a means of transmitting and storing information, generally with words or other symbols.

By Priscilla Rich Safransky, Sy Safransky, Rob Gelblum, Ebba Kraar & David Bonnis January 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Untitled (Literary Magazines)

We asked Richard Williams, THE SUN’s poetry editor, to assess the literary magazines published in and near Chapel Hill.

By Richard Williams January 1976
The Sun Interview

Paperback Writer

An Interview With Ronald Kemp

Pornography is a dirty book. If you like a dirty book, it’s fine, nothing wrong with it.

By Dusty Miller January 1976