Topics | Incarceration | The Sun Magazine #14


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Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Banana Hymn

You were ready to don the handcuffs, leg chains, and orange, ill-fitting jumpsuit required of all prisoners in transit. But you didn’t really want to go to your dad’s funeral. That’s what you’d told the man a few weeks before his bone cancer finally killed him.

By Jackson Stahlkuppe October 1993
Readers Write

Locked Doors

Chopping a door into slivers; sitting two seats back, one row over to his right; being swept up by an undertow

By Our Readers October 1993
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

A Brutal Sadness

Capital Punishment And The Politics Of Vengeance

Robert Alton Harris was gassed to death at sunrise on April 21, 1992, the first person to be executed by the state of California in twenty-five years. The execution ended fourteen years of legal wrangling over Harris’s fate, capped by four overnight stays of execution.

By D. Patrick Miller August 1993
The Sun Interview

Odyssey Of Resistance

An Interview With Daniel Berrigan

Americans don’t generally think of the consequences of war. We have grown calloused souls, with the help of a duplicitous leadership, an inert Congress, a morally cloudy church, and the jingoistic media. Add to this our historically embedded racism and you have a poisonous brew indeed, hardening hearts against thought or concern for the slaughtered innocents of Iraq.

By Luke Janusz April 1993
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories


The men here carry their personal space like body armor. They have been taught the gospel of toughness since they were young. They think it is necessary for survival to wear your strength on the outside.

By Jonathan Huntress February 1992
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Prison Experience

The statements accompanying the photographs arose in response to a single question Camhi put to prisoners: “What do you want people to know about the prison experience?”

By Morrie Camhi February 1992
Readers Write


Listening to the scamper of steps, the same question every fifteen seconds, the laughter of the guards

By Our Readers February 1992


The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.

James Baldwin

December 1991

Lady Con

Even with two thick coverlets over the blankets, her pelvic bone pressed like a wooden hanger against my cheek; I was sure it would leave a red mark. She had been eating for nearly two weeks now. How thin could she have been when she was first released?

By Elisa Jenkins September 1991
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Necessity To Speak

I see them every day, the wounded women in the supermarket or in the bookstore, the children beaten to a whimper until all life has grayed in them. I’ve learned to recognize Fear’s signature scrawled across their faces, the way one learns to recognize a man who walks with a “prison shuffle.”

By Sam Hamill February 1991