Topics | Sexual Violence | The Sun Magazine #7


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Sexual Violence


Cabin Pressure

Ted stares blankly at the seat before him, wondering how his travel agent could have construed his standard request for more leg room as a request for this miserable seat. His legs are cramped, his neck tense.

By Jeffrey J. Merrick May 1994
Readers Write

Running Away

A niece’s realization, a mother’s uncontrollable urge, a father’s double life

By Our Readers January 1994

A Death-Defying Act

The Work Of Jane Orleman

I have had many dreams of being choked by a rapist, which of course I was. That was forty years ago when I was a child. I am still holding my breath.

By Jane Orleman May 1993

Stones: A Love Story

When Izzy gets to the boardwalk, she thinks about turning back. Maybe he won’t remember her, maybe he’s forgotten it all.

By Eileen A. Joy February 1993
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Necessity To Speak

I see them every day, the wounded women in the supermarket or in the bookstore, the children beaten to a whimper until all life has grayed in them. I’ve learned to recognize Fear’s signature scrawled across their faces, the way one learns to recognize a man who walks with a “prison shuffle.”

By Sam Hamill February 1991


“I’m going to do you to death,” he said. “How about that. Not because you’re pretty, either, because you’re not, but because you can’t stop me. How about that.”

By Linda Daniels January 1990
Readers Write

Being Wrong

Hitting your sister, watching the rice boil, jumping over the subway turnstiles

By Our Readers October 1989
Readers Write

Kindred Spirits

“Anchoring,” going to a secondhand store, watching the boys play pool

By Our Readers February 1989
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

No Bars To Freedom

Bo Lozoff’s Letters To And From Prisoners

Dear Billy,
Nice to hear from you. You know, you said that you were a coward and a real piece of shit, but if that’s so, then who was the sensitive, intelligent human being who was moved to tears by the story of Gandhi’s courage? That takes a lot of courage and openness, too, you know.

By Bo Lozoff December 1985