Topics | Employment | The Sun Magazine #11


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Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Bearing Up In Winter

She begins to go through the store’s canceled checks, bank statements, and copies of federal employer’s quarterly tax returns, which I do not have enough of, according to the records in the file that Dolores has brought with her.

By Pat Ellis Taylor April 1989

Mister Duck

He is a Southern suburban white boy now all grown-up, born too late for Vietnam and not late enough for high-yield T-bills, so he is stuck somewhere, an underground movement of one. That suits him fine.

By Cal Massey October 1988
Readers Write


Being a tree, meeting the neighbors, growing larger than pains

By Our Readers July 1988

Snow White

She has always fought it down, / that subterranean dwarf / that rises up. / She has tried to be / the keeper of perfect cottages, / perfectly embellished.

By Linda Lancione Moyer June 1988

My Life In Marketing Research

When I returned from Denver to Manhattan last fall I needed a job. My first idea was to be one of those guys who sit on boxes outside discount stores on Dyckman Street watching that no one steals plastic coat hangers — but all those positions were filled. My next plan was to be Santa Claus.

By Sparrow March 1987
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Questions Of Lifestyle

Voluntary simplicity has gained popularity since the late Sixties. Of course the idea is at least as old as the first religions, but nowadays voluntary simplicity is not practiced for overtly religious reasons. A cynic might say that a sense of reparation for damages done is driving some to practice a new spirit of self-denial. It touches most strongly, after all, the descendants of the adventurous, progressive pioneers from Western Europe who invaded this country a few centuries ago. In any case, exploitation is a touchstone by which many of us gauge our use of toilet paper, gasoline, rubber, washing machines, nylon, coffee, newspaper and on and on.

By David Grant November 1986
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Left-Handed Work: A Theory For Women

(perhaps for some men, too)

so i have been working these past two weeks, mulling and toiling and essaying and travailing, over what is now a large sheaf of rough draft garbage, complete and total crap. love’s labour lost.

By Pat Ellis Taylor October 1985