Topics | Food | The Sun Magazine #5


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The two biggest sellers in any bookstore are the cookbooks and the diet books. The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food, and the diet books tell you how not to eat any of it.

Andy Rooney

November 2015
Readers Write


A forbidden treat, a secret stash, a sexual obsession

By Our Readers April 2015
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories


My family, in particular, was in danger. We were the wrong religion (Presbyterian) for our neighborhood, and my father had a reputation as a Darwinist. To many of our neighbors, Christians and Muslims alike, his belief that humans had evolved from monkeys was blasphemy, and he was careful not to show his face in public.

By Anwar F. Accawi October 2014
The Sun Interview

The Moral Universe

Barbara Kingsolver On Writing, Politics, And Human Nature

This isn’t about “paper or plastic” or some vision of self-congratulatory parsimony. It’s about replacing material gratifications with spiritual ones. I don’t know how much carbon I’m offsetting with my choices. I just prefer to be a good animal rather than one that fouls its nest.

By Jeanne Supin March 2014
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Why Cook?

Cooking has always been a part of my life, but more like the furniture than an object of scrutiny, much less a passion. I counted myself lucky to have a parent — my mother — who loved to cook and almost every night made us a delicious meal. By the time I had a place of my own, I could find my way around a kitchen well enough, the result of nothing more purposeful than all those hours spent hanging around the kitchen while my mother fixed dinner.

By Michael Pollan March 2014
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

My Life In Vegetables

I became a vegetarian in September 1971 after meeting a man wearing a white robe during orientation week at Cornell University. I saw this saintlike figure reposing on a hill, staring at a tree. Curious, I approached; he told me his name was Peter and begged me to sit. Soon he was explaining the Essene Gospel of Peace.

By Sparrow September 2013
The Dog-Eared Page

Perhaps The World Ends Here

The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.

By Joy Harjo May 2013
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Fifteen Ways To Survive The Coming Collapse Of Civilization

Everyone knows that Western civilization (and probably Eastern civilization too) will collapse on December 21, 2012. The Mayans predicted it, and the Mayans have never been wrong. The question is: how will you survive? The answer is simple.

By Sparrow December 2012
Readers Write

Making It Last

Shared desserts, a summer romance, the last batch of pickled plums

By Our Readers February 2011

The Stew

She began cooking the stew at 5:41 A.M. on Thursday. Somewhere in the night her husband had, as was his habit, moved to the middle of the bed, and she’d found herself precariously perched between his chest and the edge of the mattress, the inhabitant of an inconsequential strip of bedding that had, over the past few years, become her home.

By Manuel Martinez October 2010