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Readers Write


With a broken-down oven, in a hotel kitchen, on an uninhabited island

By Our Readers April 2022
The Sun Interview

Sticks And Stones

Yascha Mounk On The Erosion Of Good-Faith Discourse In America

It’s hard to be optimistic about this country overcoming its current political challenges without some disaster happening.

By Daniel McDermon March 2022
The Sun Interview

Dark Corners

Whitney Phillips On Conspiracy Theories, Social Media, And The Spread Of Misinformation

When COVID-19 hit, Dr. Anthony Fauci was portrayed on the Right as a deep-state villain, one of these “elitists” who are trying to tell “us” how to live in Middle America.

By Finn Cohen October 2020
One Nation, Indivisible

November 2020

Featuring Nicholas Carr, Julia Butterfly Hill, Jaron Lanier, and more.

October 2020


In the past censorship worked by blocking the flow of information. In the twenty-first century censorship works by flooding people with irrelevant information.

Yuval Noah Harari

October 2020
The Sun Interview

Blind Hate

Randy Blazak On Why White Supremacy Persists

Generation Z, my daughter’s generation, is the most racially mixed and most diverse, and they are the worst nightmare of the old white supremacists.

By Thacher Schmid March 2020
The Sun Interview

Our Fellow Americans

Paul Chaat Smith On The Complex Truth Of Native American History

To see the full picture of Indians — as people who have had a continuing, complex relationship with all aspects of American culture — is just too much for some people. They want to put Indians in a box.

By Mark Leviton August 2019