Topics | Sustainable Living | The Sun Magazine #11


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Sustainable Living

Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

no rent, no mortgage (just borrow a saw)

Your house, your home, is the environment in which you’ll spend more time than any other. Because of this, it profoundly influences you and your peace of mind. It is the keynote to your survival.

By Robert Ruskin June 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Confessions Of A Junk Addict

CONFESSION: I realize that all may not share this addiction or feel the same high that I experience over a sixty-year-old rocker for $20.00 or a refrigerator for $35.00, but I admit that I’ll go to any length to satisfy this craving.

By Sue Anderson Hartnett July 1974
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Street Vending

The Chapel Hill Board of Aldermen have once again put off taking a stand on the controversial street vending issue, at least until next month.

By Joy Hewitt February 1974
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Nobody Called

Chapel Hill Energy Task Force

Sweat suits instead of flannel pajamas, river canoe trips instead of a vacation in Disneyland — these are some of the changes in lifestyle “every thinking person” should make, according to Shirley Marshall, chairman of Chapel Hill’s new energy conservation task force.

By Anonymous January 1974