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Sy Safransky's Notebook

Sy Safransky's Notebook

December 1994

Table Manners

The full-page ads by big corporations proclaim peace on earth, when all they really want is another piece of the earth.

By Sy Safransky December 1994
Sy Safransky's Notebook

May 1994

Perfect Rooms

The language is so much bigger than I am, so much older, more beautiful. How can I hope to tame it, cram it into a style?

By Sy Safransky May 1994
Sy Safransky's Notebook

December 1993

Bigger Than Words

Oh Freedom, I knelt at your feet but you said, Not now. So I threw myself at Love. Love said, Is it me you want, or Freedom?

By Sy Safransky December 1993
Sy Safransky's Notebook

June 1993

Another Coincidence

Not enough time for the poem. But the poem staggers to its feet, wipes its face on the dirty towel, remembers it lives here too, remembers it needs no invitation.

By Sy Safransky June 1993
Sy Safransky's Notebook

February 1993

For the World

The hurricane knocks down everything in its path. We give it a name.

By Sy Safransky February 1993
Sy Safransky's Notebook

November 1992

Without A Name For You

Hannah Arendt says a fundamental contradiction of the United States is political freedom coupled with social slavery.

By Sy Safransky November 1992
Sy Safransky's Notebook

June 1992

The Map I Was Promised

Things I didn’t get to last week: answering the mail, giving up coffee, saving the planet.

By Sy Safransky June 1992
Sy Safransky's Notebook

May 1990

From My Notebook

The day with its big arms around me, whispering in my ear.

By Sy Safransky May 1990
Sy Safransky's Notebook

January 1990

Letter By Letter

Words become sentences in spite of themselves, as moments become a life.

By Sy Safransky January 1990
Sy Safransky's Notebook

April 1980


He abandoned desire. The flowers grew slowly around the hole in his chest. When his lover sighed, they trembled.

By Sy Safransky March 1980