Topics | Death | The Sun Magazine #95


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Selected Poems

It slips through us / a parade of delicate / dead women that carry / the sun in the August sky

— from “End of Summer”

By Douglas Hall February 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Coming Down

An individual who experiences regular moments of expanded consciousness also regularly experiences the unhappiness and difficulty of returning to consensus reality.

By Blue Harary December 1975


The sky and trees, reflected once in the creek, are reflected again in my thoughts. These are not the black trees written on a light gray sky that small black words bring to mind. But, green and living, they stretch to grasp the sun, lobsterlike in living claws.

By Pat Leudy December 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Mapping The Inner Regions

As Ring says of his map, it is “not merely an abstract diagram of the geography of consciousness” but refers to the voyage we are all destined to take to the farther regions of inner space. As such, it is a map worth knowing how to read.

By Sy Safransky December 1975