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We use cookies to improve our services and remember your choices for future visits. For more information see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
If we could get over that idea of sin, get rid of guilt, then I think a great many things that disturb people would be accepted as normal and natural, and nothing made of it.
Henry Miller
We talk about the “new age,” but eighty percent of it is filled with atavisms, really archaic stuff that is not futuristic but just the dredging up of all the old knowledge, of dowsing and palmistry and reflexology and acupuncture.
ByJill Wolcott,Mary InglisOne comes for a day or two, and then advertises that one has “studied under Milton Erickson.” This means you can charge $1,000 a day for seminars. Few pay attention to the fact that the master himself only charges $25 a day for visitors. I think I love him for that reason if for no other.
ByLorenzo W. MilamThe birds start singing when it’s still dark, the stillness before dawn, when life is poised and light begins a tentative approach. I ponder my investments, none of them financial.
ByPatricia BralleyI call her “Juliet.” I don’t remember her name, and it is possible that I never knew it. Her image came to me at six o’clock every evening for years. I went to the upper floor of my house, entered any room, and turned off the light.
ByRichard Meisler