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The Sun Interview

The Sun Interview

The Doctor Who Won’t Charge

An Interview With Patch Adams

People are not their diseases. They are the same weak fragile beings that we ourselves are. Traditionally, a physician in general practice follows patients throughout their lives, but without touching on the quality of a person’s life, their loves, concerns, and fears, we ignore a gigantic area of resource and of disease.

By Fred Hean August 1984
The Sun Interview

Worth Fighting For

An Interview With Holly Near

I just got back from Nicaragua. I hadn’t known much at all about this country that the United States has been involved with for many years. The Marines were in Nicaragua as long ago as the Thirties. How can you live in a country and not know about a place where your Marines have been for that long?

By Howard Rubin July 1984
The Sun Interview

Judaism’s Mystical Heart

An Interview With Dovid Din

The unity that Judaism is looking for is the point at which, without losing this brain, a corridor of correspondence is opened between this brain — the individual identity — and the transcendent identity. But it isn’t that I become annihilated and flow into the great river; it’s that I am maintained in a scale model relationship to the transcendent. I stay here, but I grow outward. I stay here, but I use my here only to be positioned onto there.

By Howard Rubin June 1984
The Sun Interview

Blessed Ignorance

An Interview With Donald Michael

There is the need to acknowledge to oneself and share with others extremely high levels of uncertainty. By uncertainty I don’t mean probability; I mean the uncertainty that accompanies knowing that you don’t know.

By Keith Thompson May 1984
The Sun Interview

Returning To Beauty

An Interview With James Applewhite

Building the pyramids or Chartres cathedral are not totally reasonable endeavors — to spend all this money and time and effort and lives in some cases, piling up beautifully cut stone, and yet it’s what gives the grandeur to human existence. It makes humanity in society have something of the brilliance of the light shafting down from the stars.

By Howard Rubin May 1984
The Sun Interview

When The Heart Speaks

An Interview With Deena Metzger

Working with people who have life threatening diseases, it’s useful to approach disease as a metaphor because then you can do something about it. Then you are not simply in the hands of the doctors. If you can look at disease as a story being told that has to get your attention, and you can discover the story that your disease is telling you, then you have a chance of finding the healing story. People begin telling remarkable stories about important things that have been distorted or have been missing in their lives, areas that must be reconciled. The body says, “This loss, this distortion, or this amnesia that you’re living is killing me. The silence is killing me. And if you don’t fix it, we’ll die.”

By Elizabeth Good April 1984
The Sun Interview

Going To The Principal

An Interview With Don Wells

You have to be exceedingly sensitive and open to those pregnant moments when you can a affirm someone’s extraordinary effort. And for some people, at some times, the extraordinary effort is not the obvious. For a given child, sitting in a class one day without anger is an extraordinary effort.

By Sy Safransky March 1984
The Sun Interview

Good News

An Interview With Michael Toms

Underlying New Dimensions is a spiritual dimension. If there’s a focus it’s that we’re all connected. The scientists, the spiritual teachers, the psychologists, the educators — they’re all saying the same thing in different ways: everything is interconnected. If we’re consuming a third of the world’s resources that affects the rest of the world in a very direct way. If the space program did nothing else it did show us the earth hanging out there in space, it gave us a sense of being part of the same planet. We’re all using the same environment; spiritually we’re all connected as well.

By Howard Rubin January 1984
The Sun Interview

Saying No

An Interview With Dirk Spruyt

When we filed our 1981 return, we wrote a letter saying that we had a conscientious objection to the paying of money for the purpose of killing people and asked that portion to be refunded. The IRS audited us.

By Alice Carlton December 1983
The Sun Interview

Going Against The Dragon

An Interview With Robert Bly

Some dragons don’t want to be lifted up into the heart area. That’s their place down where they are. You go down and meet them on their ground. “I’m going to lift you up and bathe you in the violet light of the heart.” What do they care about that?

By Sy Safransky November 1983