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The happy people with big hips and watery lips pulled up by the river and sat down, spent. There trout bubbled at them, trees shaded and grass waved.
By Norm MoserDecember 1975To begin with, I don’t believe in alternate life styles. Having lived communally, having been married, having lived alone, it all comes down to the same thing: you live, ultimately, with yourself.
By Sy SafranskySeptember 1975I think I’d rather talk about Charlotte. North Carolina, that is. I really can’t be objective about Chapel Hill, and my subjectivity is too complex to put into words. But Charlotte! There’s a town I can write about cause I really don’t like that city. I can’t quite put my finger on it, you know, because it would take half my hand to really cover it all.
By Bill HuntleySeptember 1974Big cities may shrink to more manageable proportions because of the fuel pinch, some regional planners believe.
By AnonymousJanuary 1974Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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