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On an unconscious level people are preparing themselves psychically for the future I’ve talked about without consciously knowing it, since in the future, political action — except for the revolution of the minorities in the cities — is meaningless.
By Sy SafranskyDecember 1975Visiting the canteen, barking up the wrong tree, creating spaces of silence
By Our ReadersJune 1975Susan says she is not a religious person, but she has a high regard for religion, and she doesn’t like to see it downgraded or made fun of. And Saul Alinsky, a Chicago “social activist” said that “Seeing is Believing” should be taken a lot more literally.
By Amey MillerOctober 1974The only thing that’s written about more than food is love. What we eat has the potential to nourish or destroy, to cheer or depress, to excite or to bore, and the way a person cooks is as distinctive as the way he or she writes, sings, dances, paints.
By Sunny HerrickOctober 1974And so it was pronounced: there would be a gathering of the multitude, and musicians would play and fireworks would light the sky. The people were joyous, for they had just beheld the resignation of a powerful leader who had sought to rule through discrediting these free people. A note of justice was to be heard through the festival.
By CollieSeptember 1974Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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