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When I do color therapy with people, the person becomes the screen. The color is moving onto and through them. You look into the beam as it comes from the projector, just long enough to get into your consciousness what it is. Then you can let the feel and the image you have of that color be going through you as you quietly meditate or do a mantra or whatever.
By Eilene BisgroveDecember 1978August 1978One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
Carl Jung
The flower remedies, if they are administered, then flood the physical body with the needed virtue washing out the fault causing the harm and that in turn raises the vibration of our beings, of our natures and puts us in touch with our soul or our divinity or our higher self, in which the presence of disease has to fall away.
By Priscilla RichMarch 1978I, Arthur Milstein, have had a shitty life. I have found difficulty finding gainful employment. I most recently had a position carving names on gravestones, but I was dismissed owing to poor spelling. I usually spell well but not under intense pressure.
By Karl GrossmanDecember 1977I AM RAGE. I am a storm, dark, heavy, omnipotent. I am unmitigated violence. I am fury, exploding, blinding lightning, roaring thunder, howling wind. I surge like the sea, uncontrollable in my rage.
By Leaf DiamantMarch 1977I spend a good part of my existence avoiding “unpleasant” feelings. Especially lately, as much old pain surges up, I avoid without allowing myself the awareness that I am avoiding.
By Leaf DiamantNovember 1976The province of the transformations of the soul in western society remains, for the most part, that of medicine and psychotherapy. Mostly, both acknowledge problems, rather than the states of evolution and transformation of the soul.
By IsisOctober 1976I am becoming myself. Between becoming and being myself lay a miasma of ancient feelings, values, and perceptions. These are the unknown forces to which I respond by looking everywhere else for the solution, an end to my fears and hunger.
By Leaf DiamantOctober 1976Depressions are usually characterized by loss of energy, lack of enthusiasm and good feelings, and lowered self-acceptance. Depressed people often feel unwanted, unloved, and unworthy.
By Leaf DiamantSeptember 1976Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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