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We use cookies to improve our services and remember your choices for future visits. For more information see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
When he held it out, I ran / my fingers over the shredded / cartilage of the nasal cavity / and the sutures that fused together / the cranium, the tip of my finger / gone for a second when I poked it / inside a shadowy orbit
By John BargowskiApril 2023Risak: How is the “masculine body” defined?
Siegel: In the U.S. we typically see a mesomorphic ideal: lean, muscular, and with a low body-fat percentage. This is persistent across the U.S. and common in LGBTQ+ communities in particular. Sexual-minority men are at elevated risk for eating disorders due in part to the lean ideal being perpetuated in their communities.
By Sam RisakMarch 2023Although I still identify as a Christian, I am endlessly unpacking and discarding the church teachings of my childhood. My belief in God is no longer built on the fear of what will happen to me after I die.
By Anna GazmarianFebruary 2023In the motel’s retro, kidney-shaped, outdoor pool, thirty minutes till close, no lifeguard on duty, Harry Snow swims his first submerged lap, his long-lost special ability.
By Steve PettOctober 2022“Home improvement” always entails physically fixing up one’s house. But what about the emotional work of homeownership? One way to improve your home is through gratitude and acceptance. Does everything constantly need to be “fixed”?
By SparrowMay 2022May 2022Eating puts us in touch with all that we share with the other animals, and all that sets us apart.
Michael Pollan
How could she tell her son that although she bathes, puts on clothes, laughs at Colbert, and has conversations with people, people don’t know. They don’t have a clue they’re talking to a bunch of scattered molecules trying to imitate a human being.
By Daniela KuperMay 2022In grad school I had a writing teacher who’d completely cream my essays. / Cross-outs and tracked changes. He took me at my word / when I said I wanted to get better.
By Emily SernakerApril 2022I felt a flash of hope for you, even though I knew — because of the distant and resigned tone of your voice — that you were going to die soon.
By John Paul ScottoApril 2022Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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