Topics | Christianity | The Sun Magazine #31


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The Sun Interview

Transfiguring The Ordinary

An Interview With Roger Corless

If the Christian God exists, the plurality of religions is not a problem in his mind. His mind functions in some other way. So it’s only a problem for us. If Mahayana Buddhism is right and the universe is neither One nor Many nor both nor neither but emptiness, unqualifiedness, then it’s not a problem that there are two religions or one or both or neither.

By Howard Jay Rubin February 1982


The necessary premise is that a man is somehow more than his “characteristics,” all the emotions, strivings, tastes and constructions which it pleases him to call “My Life.” We have ground to hope that a Life is something more than a cloud of particles, mere facticity. Go through what is comprehensible and you conclude that only the incomprehensible gives any light.

Saul Bellow, Herzog

September 1981
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories


It scares me now, how much I told Chuck Roy. What will he think? Will he be blown away? It didn’t seem so unusual, my confessions, after he made some, and I did edit my original full confession. Still, will he be shocked? Was it necessary? What prompted me? Ego or some expediency?

By Cheryl N. Schilling April 1981
Readers Write

How I See God

As a combination of an elderly Abraham Lincoln and Uncle Sam; through the hole in my throat; through an innocent, crucified victim hanging on a tree

By Our Readers February 1981
Readers Write

Fear And Courage

Fear of losing control, feeding courage with trust and patience, looking to the Bible

By Our Readers November 1980
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Something Does Push The River

David Spangler On Community And Commitment

The Christ is the manifestation of a basketball passing through the table of our universe. It’s a multidimensional event which we are trying to grasp four-dimensionally. We would see it as history, as a succession of events. Which means that the event is still happening. It is not in history, it is history, it is still happening. We are in the midst of it at this moment. I don’t know just where we are along the basketball.

By David Spangler August 1980
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Poor In Spirit, And The Rich

Book Review

Dr. Fischer is a dark God who grants us favors only at the cost of our humiliation, who eggs us on with snatches of happiness only in order to degrade us. He is a greedy God, as greedy as his creatures: he is greedy for our humiliation.

By David Guy July 1980