Topics | Adolescence | The Sun Magazine #26


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I stood up and reeled. Blood washed from my brain. My vision began to shrink, and the people in the room seemed separated from me by some fold in the air. 

By Karen Bjorneby February 1993
Readers Write


Ninety clear glass marbles, a suicide note, a deathbed confession

By Our Readers February 1993
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Listening To My Father

He sat in there re-reading his Marx and Engels, cocooned in a shell, seemingly at peace. Then came the symptoms: a problem holding his knife and fork; a slight slur of speech. The diagnosis was Lou Gehrig’s disease. His life was ending soon.

By Robert Kelsey October 1992
Readers Write


A new lifeguard, a poinsettia-plant-watering mystery woman, a big sister at the birth of her brother

By Our Readers October 1992


My father brought Jake’s body home from Colorado in a record-breaking blizzard.

By Lisa Horton Zimmerman September 1992
Readers Write


Cherries In The Snow, Plush Purple, Orange Flip

By Our Readers September 1992

What Marvin Knows

Marvin had been watching the car, a red Ford Escort, drive by his house for perhaps twenty minutes. It was driven by a young fellow, probably one of the local college students.

By Lisa Horton Zimmerman February 1992

Lady Con

Even with two thick coverlets over the blankets, her pelvic bone pressed like a wooden hanger against my cheek; I was sure it would leave a red mark. She had been eating for nearly two weeks now. How thin could she have been when she was first released?

By Elisa Jenkins September 1991
Readers Write


Secret codes, an underground network of doctors, complications

By Our Readers September 1991

A Kind Of Power

Then, a mist drifted up in front of my eyes. It started gray. It began to burn, to get redder and redder and the words I heard rolling from my lips were like the words my grandpa knew. They were holy words, words of the old prophets. Wanton. Strumpet. Whore. Sister of the serpent, angel of evil, Satan’s bitch, vessel of filth, pestilence of desire, demoness eater of the soul.

By Mary Sojourner July 1991