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Life And Death

A cold rain beat on the canopy over the grave site. John pulled down the brim of the walking hat she’d gotten him on their ramblings through Ireland. Just before he stepped under the canopy, he glanced up at the sky and recalled when his father had died.

By Bob Davis September 1986
Readers Write


A book from childhood, a rainbow, a Grateful Dead show

By Our Readers September 1986
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Jack And The Beanstalk

Some Thoughts On The Mixing Of Psychology And Religion

To a student with years of experience in spiritual discipline, the suggestion that psychotherapy might be a useful adjunct can seem awful, backward, and possibly traitorous.

By Adam Fisher August 1986
Readers Write


Inner voice as intuitive guide, the undeniable presence of a voice, the voice of silence

By Our Readers July 1986

Children Kissing

“Ma! Ma, Patty’s up the big tree again kissing Billy! Ma!” I kept looking at Patty’s smooth face across the branch from me in the tree, and hearing Tony shouting into the house.

By Bruce P. Woodford June 1986


Few are born to do the great work of the world, but the work that all can do is to make a small home circle brighter and better.

George Eliot

March 1986
Readers Write

Visiting Parents

A noodle kugel, some missing underwear, a “magic cube”

By Our Readers March 1986
Readers Write

My Biggest Mistake

Not listening to my heart; believing my mother when she said, “Play dumb. Boys don’t marry smart girls.”; not dancing with Nan Zuckerman at the Sixth Grade Prom

By Our Readers February 1986